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About Us
Description of Samorządowy Ośrodek Doradztwa Metodycznego i Doskonalenia Nauczycieli in Kielce:
- SODMIDN or In-service Teacher Training, Counseling and Development Centre is a municipal institution within the competency of the regional self-government Kielce. It was established on 26th July, 2001 and accredited by the więtokrzyski Superintendent of Education Małgorzata Muzoł on 10th May, 2012. SODMIDN co-operates with 23 teacher consultants employed in all types of schools in Kielce region. It provides the teachers of Kielce region with methodological advice and encourages them to achieve a higher level of professional expertise required in the transformed Polish school system.
The Vision:
- Fundamentally we desire SODMiDN to provide feasible solutions to the teachers´ needs especially in respect to didactics and other educational tasks. We hope to create a strong and meaningful partnership within the local pedagogical community. All forms of methodological consultancy and professional development offered to the teachers, both in form and content, are open and widely accessible. We will be happy to respond to your suggestions and requests.
The main priorities:
- We serve the teachers of Kielce with responsible and creative aid. We foster teachers initiatives in order to have concrete overall effects on Polish teachers and students community. We produce unique, tailor made forms of training and consultancy in accord with the requirements and the priorities of the Educational Administration.
We organise and run:
- education consultancy
- professional development for educators
- training sessions for teachers meeting
We support and facilitate:
- pedagogical innovations
- authorial teaching scheme
- didactical achievements of teachers and students
- ROS - school management development
- WDN - inner system of school teacher training
We prepare and publish:
- methodological materials
- bulletins
SODMIDN education consultants:
The consultants are specialized in different areas :pre-primary, primary, secondary and vocational education. They are divided into:
a) science: Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, ITC;
b) social studies/languages: Polish, Foreign Languages, History, Current Affairs,
c) Art & Physical Education.